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Aug 8, 2022Edited
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Not at all. In fact. because there are so many different channels/rooms with conversations going back a while, it's a good idea to lurk for a bit and follow the channels most interesting, to get a feel for things and avoid being totally overwhelmed.

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Oct 14, 2021
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Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.

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Great set of resources, Jackie. I suggest putting the essential #4 at the top. And the highly technical #1 and #2 at the bottom.

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That's a fair critique. I've made the changes. Thanks!

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Wow! Someone actually listened to me. 🤣

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It does happen once in a while!

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Excellent and clearly set out resource list. Thanks Jackie. Very helpful. D.

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Thank you. If you have any questions or additions, just holler.

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This should be mandatory reading after ur first publication. I've been waiting all week for the Lizzie Borden Google Alert Subscribers that dominate my niche to receive the article. Thanks so much, Jackie. It isn't every day that an article will appear to tell you how Lizzie Borden appeared so soon to her neighbors w/o blood on her hair or clothes 11-15 minutes after the death of her father.

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I'm glad it was useful. There are a handful of little tricks that can really make all the difference. I don't know why Substacks aren't being indexed, but it's a pain. I can promise that once you go through all the steps (which are confusing because Google's documentation and UX are terrible!) and give it a little time, your Substack will start showing up in Google results and that should include alerts.

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You nailed it, sister! Their UX and documentation instructions are so unbelievably awful when I call Google One tomorrow to walk me through this, boy am I gonna let them know. When I got my first tracking set up it two years ago it wasn't this bad. Between you and me, I think visionary Chris Best needs to have a little chat with them. I could have been using that time to set myself up on Medium. Wasting time in the twilight of ur life is murder on the installment plan. Ur such a doll for holding my hand.

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Thanks for this. Another Substacker on the Facebook group suggested Reddit as a good traffic generator, but I haven't tried it yet. Any thoughts?

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That actually could have been me! I think Reddit can be a great place to get traffic, but you have to do your homework. Not all subreddits allow people to share links or promote themselves, and some that do might be so clogged with others posting links that yours gets lost.

Where I find success is not with my general articles or fiction, but my local history articles that I write about St. Louis, and which I have posted in the St. Louis subreddit. I've seen good traffic and in one case, someone shared one of my articles in a FB group and that led to a huge surge of traffic here (and a bunch of subscriptions.) So you never know.

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This is great, thank you so much! :D Looking forward to trying all of this out.

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