Apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, and some other earthy flavors and spices are my go-to for fall. While pumpkin spice is ubiquitous, it definitely does not capture the autumn feel for me like other.

Also: you’re brave for trying that candy corn. I can’t get any variety passed my nose.

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Wow wow. It's like some strange hybrid of the all in one flavor candy from willy wonka and harry potter's weird jelly beans. I must find these!

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Pumpkin Spice my life!

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Things like these make you wonder if when they came up with this idea they were higher than the sky on weed.

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GAG! Green bean candy corn. Why? 🤣 There is only one real candy corn. The orange, white, and yellow Brach's candy corn. The one that tastes like sugar (not corn.)

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Haha! This was fun!

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An Aussie living in the U.K. i have never tried candy corn.. I’m not sure whether I’m feeling intrigue or horror at these flavours 😅

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